Wednesday, March 30, 2011

First visit with Christina ( My Oncology RN)

March 30- QUICK BRIEF (for those who don't want to ready the whole story) -Had my axillary (ARMPIT) ultrasound today -Did a biopsy of one of my nodes -"preliminary look" by pathologist shows "NO ABNORMAL CELLS!" Yeah!!! Will get "Final report tomorrow" Tomorrow I will see Surgical, Chemo, and Radiation Oncologists and will have the complete "plan". Here's "my story" for me and anyone who wants to read it" Slept all night after taking my first full dose of Ativan..........great, but I walked to the bathroom like a drunk.......yuk! When I walked into the kitchen and saw the flowers Lynn and Don Rutherford had given me along with the Easter Roses my Nephew Jared and his family had sent me I cried. Good tears. I said "Dale, take a picture of me, this is the way to start this kind of day. I am feeling the love!" I feel peace. I feel love. Let's Go!

The Breast Center at OHSU is actually quite beautiful, and very artsy, with specialty pictures, fancy glass for the lights, very welcoming..........if you gotta go there. The desk person couldn't find my appointment and sent me over to another unit. They couldn't find my appointment either (go figure) and told me I should go back to where I started. Anyone every experience this before?! I told her that THEY had sent me HERE. Oh...........she made a few phone calls and then said they will be expecting you back over where you first went (smile). We were called back to a conference room and seated in comfortable chairs.

Christina, the RN came in and introduced herself. She went over all the details of what we know so far, what the options will be for treatment,and then told me they were going to do my axillary ultrasound today so the Dr would have the results already. (good idea). Of course I was dressed in a dress, planning to go straight to the temple and not thinking I was having any tests today. So when they called me back to the ultrasound dressing room, you just take off your blouse and put on a little cape! Hmmmmmmmmmm, I don't think I want to walk down the hallway this I grabbed two extra capes and tied each one on a different hip and made a matching "skirt". Very creative I thought, and more importantly modest enough to walk down the hall. The ultrasound tech found a couple nodes that looked "enlarged and lumpy". The Dr then came in and re-ultrasounded (is that a word?) and said we need to take a couple biopsies to check this out. So they did..........not so bad once you get past the novocaine injection. The pathologist came down and looked at the samples right there. The Doctor told me that the Prelimiary look shows NO ABNOMAL CELLS! Yippee. Final report tommorrw.

Went to temple from there. Turns out my ordinance worker in Initiatory just spent the last year fighting the same kind of cancer I have. Co-incidence? I don't think so. I had a very spiritual experience...........again, and then went on a session where Dale and I were asked to be the witness couple. Is the Lord aware of each of his children??? Very much so. See ya tomorrow after THE BIG DAY!


At March 30, 2011 at 9:29 PM , Blogger Byron said...

You're brave, Mom! We'll be thinking about you tomorrow!


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