Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Climb Every Mountain Day

Wow! Words are not enough to explain the joys of this day. I have been showered with tender mercies all Day!!! Thank-you Everyone for your e-mail comments, if I miss returning your thoughts, I have not missed it in my heart. The Lord is tanking me up for the big week coming up...........and I will be ready. I think it must be kind of like trying to get ready for your first childbirth.............there is no real way to prepare for it, there is no real way for another woman to explain the suffering, pains, and joys of it. And, it is different for each person. It needs to be EXPERIENCED. You can only strengthen yourself in all the ways you know how; spiritually,mentally, physically..............and move forward, one day at a time. Having such wonderful family and friends makes it so much easier. Oh.............I must not forget my dear sweet Dale in all this. It seems so "unfair" he should have already traveled such a long hard road with his previous wife and her illnesses. (although he says he would do it all again, as it was worth it...just like him ) Then to marry me," Miss healthy", and get stuck with this. He doesn't feel that way, and I am so grateful. I don't know what I'd do without his faith, support, never ending patience (of which I'm short of at times, and I guess I'll get good at it now), encouragement and love.

I felt so uplifted by the conference talks. Everyone seemed to speak right to me, as if written just for me. The Lord knows of my trial, he knows my needs, and I will receive that which I need. I know I will be stretched to my outer limits, but by the time conference was over I felt like I could handle anything, and be grateful for it. As Brother Wirthlin once said "Come what may and love it". Remind me of that would you when I'm not quite there.............(:


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