Sunday, April 3, 2011

Thoughts from General Conference

Here is a brief summary of what I felt most from conference this week-end: DESIRE- what do I desire most in life? Whatever it is I can achieve and Become. I desire to seek the will of the Lord in my life, thereby finding my true mission PAIN- it will teach me patience and increased faith. TRIALS- I will draw closer to the Savior and he will lift and bless and strengthen and guide me. He knows how to succor me. I will have an increased understanding of eternity. My trials are suited to my individual needs. All souls can be healed by His power. "Ye are all little children, fear not, I am in your midst." If I humble myself, I will come forth on the other side of this trial as shiny gold. I have also learned something really interesting, something I knew intellectually, but now am beginning to know it personally. Every day I gain strength and peace from the Lord. I go to bed feeling solid in that faith. Every morning I wake up with "The Beast" (not original but that is what I'm calling my cancer) right there, occupying every space of my psychic. I WAKE UP SCARED! Like in the process of "The Twelve Steps" I have to center myself, and lay my fears back at the Saviors feet. He then takes it and picks me up and carries me, and I am again in the warmth and comfort of his love. I have to take it "One Day at a Time". A saying I have used often, but now has a much deeper meaning to me. It is real. It is the only way I can walk through this fire...........and get to the other side. It is the way, the privilege I have grow and increase my faith in a very intimate way with the Savior. The Missionaries stopped by tonight.........just to visit. What a bright spot of light they are. I respect them for the brethren they truly are, but I can't help but ask them "how are you boys doing?" They could easily be my sons.............they are like family. We can talk and laugh and cry together. Isn't life good???? Tomorrow is another BIG day. Will get results from MRI and lots more info from Dr. Chui.! PS For those of you wondering..........yes I will be taking pictures of my short short haircut I'm going to get in preparation for the chemo, and yes, I will be taking pictures of my "baldness." So don't look if you don't want to. Some of it may not be for the feint of heart. Ha!!



At April 4, 2011 at 8:55 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Wow! Kirsten,
Thank you for sharing all your feelings about conference, your personal feelings about what's happening to you and I'm looking forward to seeing your new look!
You received such great strength from conference to help you move along in this greatest trial of your life.
I am so grateful that you have the Savior close by your side and that you know he will carry you through. You have faith, light and truth in abundance. More than most!!
As always my love, prayers and thoughts of you are being sent your way along with hundreds of others who love you.
I hope this week won't be too hard. Good luck.
God bless you my dearest, precious friend.
Love, Colleen


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