Thursday, April 7, 2011

Final Dates

Got my Final Dates for the rest of the get up and gooooooooooooo:

Next Thursday the 14th I'll have my PET scan (looking for metastatis, or spreading of the cancer elsewhere)
and my echocardiogram, checking my heart to make sure it is strong enough for chemotherapy.

Thursday the 21st I take my class on Chemotherapy @ OHSU

Friday the 22nd I get my port-a-cath placed (the IV which goes into my heart for easy access for chemotherapy)

Tuesday April 19th........I'm making Dale take CPR!!   Ha!!  His turn.

Friday the 29th...........I'll start Chemo Therapy.  Sooooooooo  I have 3 weeks more to go.  A little unnerving, but I'll take it as a blessing and try to prepare and educate myself more.

I woke up this morning scared again. Darn.......after yesterday I thought maybe I was over it... not!  I was able  hand it over to the Savior and be pulled out of it  however.  I am learning lots! My Sister Sherry came over (she ALWAYS knows when I need her).  She gave me a hug and I sobbed, then I felt much better.  I love my sister.  She knows I love bears and she bought this really cool bear hanging on the limb of a tree last summer, that she really loves!  She brought it over and gave it to me because she said she knew I would love it, and when she looks at it she is reminded of how her little sister is going to look after chemo (kinda droopy) Ahhhhhhhhhhh.  Did I tell you I love my sister?  Here's a "doesn't do it justice" picture :

Going to be me after chemo (except he still has hair!)
Dale and I got lots of other stuff done today, it felt good.  Then we headed for the temple for ward temple night. Ah, but we were starving when we got there, and we didn't eat fast enough and missed going with our ward............again!!!  We have to get with it.  We did however attend the 7:30 session and received a lot of peace,comfort, and love.  No better place on earth!

Tomorrow Dale and I get our pictures taken while I still have hair.  I think I'm going to cut my hair tomorrow......maybe.  But since I have 5 weeks before it will actually fall out (starts approx 2 weeks after chemo begins) I think I may cut it a couple times to just "see".  Who knows what I'll do??????


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