Wednesday, April 6, 2011

More Testing and Dale's Birthday!

Well..........."we're Back"

"Isn't this where you'd want to be if you HAD to?"

Can't help but appreciate the beauty everywhere

"Shouldn't I be doing this to her?"

Oh..........and I had to do this again!
Today will be short:
Got my repeat MRI, only this time I got Nurse Nightingale.........really, she was so kind and helpful, and gave me some Ativan (and the MRI was "almost" fun).  Thank-you Jane!!!
Then we went back down for the repeat biopsy. It wasn't bad at all, they did a really good job, I only felt the sting of the Lidocaine and then I was good!  Oh course NOW it hurts............but that will be better tomorrow! With the Biopsy done they said results will be back in 10 days and we should be able to start Chemo in 2 weeks.  Just waiting to get scheduled for the last procedures: CT, PET SCAN and insertion of Smart Port.  Hope to hear on those tomorrow! 

Here's the Birthday Boy!!  Yep today was Dale's birthday, I felt bad he had to give me all the attention.

 But when we got home............. Rachel and her kids were  there  waiting with two 3 foot long sandwhiches, chips, cake and ice cream, and home made birthday cards.  I did know they were going to do this.  So I kept trying to get Dale to MOVE IT, but man......he was like a snail. When we got in the house he wandered around doing "something" while I joined the kids in the living room.  He FINALLY walked in and we said "surprise!!"  It was all worth it.  We talked, had a great time, and then they took us, and treated us, to see the movie HOP, which was really cute! We saw the most beautiful rainbow on the way home which I took a picture of on my cell-phone, but I don't know how to send it to my computer yet...........


At April 6, 2011 at 10:31 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Dale!
You are so wonderful to my dear friend. No wonder good things came your way today. God bless you in the challenging year ahead and I know He will be there for you and Kirsten at each step of the way.
Kirsten, I just love the pictures you are sending which gives us a more accurate description of just where you are and what's happening to you. You are such a kick! The nurses and doctors must just love you. You deserve "nightingale" nurse throughout every procedure! You are probably the best patient they've ever had.
Thoughts and prayers, Love, Colleen


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