Sunday, April 24, 2011


I woke up with the essence of yesterday floating about and through me. Oh.......the peace and love I felt at the Life of Christ!!! Then Dale says Happy Easter!!  What a way to start the day.  I am happy, I am at peace, and I'm excited to go to church and feel MORE!!!  I love taking the sacrament, it is truly a time of renewal..........for as much or as little as we want to take.

Church was as amazing as I had hoped it would be.  I was determined NOT to bear my testimony (since I had last time and everyone needs their turn) BUT my heart began pounding, as it does when I know I should bear my testimony, and I had to get up.  I had to share the spirit I had felt the night before at the Life of Christ.  It was so sweet, so tender, and yet so strong. So I bore my heart and soul...........but it was "short and sweet" ( as dad used to like to say) !!  (:  It felt good.  I love bearing my testimony......every time brings me closer to my Savior. Everyone who bore their testimony today, did so powerfully,  I FELT every one of them, and was filled with gratitude. How blessed we are to be able to share this with one another, and lift each other up with our experiences in life.

We went home and took a exciting.............but it felt so good and so needed.  We got up in time to run over to the Williams side of the family. I told Dale it just would not feel right if we didn't go over and give them a hug.  So we went over and surprised them (as they knew we were going to my parents for Easter dinner) and sang Christ the Lord is Risen Today when they answered the door.  We went in and exchanged story of the origin of the Easter Bunny and took a few pictures.  Family is truly what it is all about.  It felt so good to me.  I wanted to see them before I start my chemo this Thursday.  I wanted to feel of their strength too!  Below is the gift the Lord blessed us with on the way over to Mom Williams' house...........and of course a picture of them!

                                       A beautiful symbol of peace and new beginnings on the way to  see  the Williams'

                                         Mom Williams', Aunt Margie, Annette and Donald
Next we headed off to the Petersen's. Aunt Norma Ann was there too.........she is always good for some fun!  We had the usual Ham and Scallopped potatoes, yams, strawberry jello.........Oh and I had two helpings of each (something I haven't done for quite a while) but it was soooooooooo  good.  We had some fun conversation, got off on a political discussion we decided to "cool" for Easter. Then Jared showed us some slides put onto CD of us when we were kids (again) and a wonderful short CD about Easter.  It is the kind of Easter Sunday we should all have.  We left all "the bad" outside, and came in and experienced only the good today.  There is plenty of time for the world tomorrow. 

Norma Ann, Sherry and Kirsten



Jared and Mom (the two cooks!)

The Dinner Table...........YUM!

Dad and Norma Ann (brother and sister)

Just "Bro"    (:

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoso believeith in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world. But that the world through Him might be saved."
 (this is from memory so may not be completely "correct" forgive me if it is slightly off)
I love you all!


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