Saturday, April 23, 2011

Life Of Christ

Got up feeling a little sore this morning, but the sun was shining and I looked at how my bathroom "motivational board" was going and it looked good, felt good, and Dale had added his own "I love you" to it!

The board really makes me feel good..........try it!

 I got up just long enough to have Dale tell me someone was here.  Lynn and Donna were here to give me their "Easter" gift and mostly their love.  We had a lovely visit, and of course I cried.  At times I feel like I am going to be incapable of making anymore tears, I should be running out by now!

Lynn, Kirsten and Donna with special "Easter Gift"

After these dear sisters left, my sister Sherry showed up and laid down with me to just talk, rub my back, giggle, and tell me how much she loves me.  There is no end to Christ's there! I know my sister has plenty of her own aches and pains and yet she sacrifices for me.  Life is such a blessing.

I decided to drive to Freddy's for ONE thing! (and to get out into the sunshine for a bit). Dale told me it was a big mistake and Sherry told me it was a big mistake.  I thought "I'll just run in and out".  Well..........that is what I did.  I think I learned a big lesson.  That was a big mistake!!!  I was so exhausted and hurting when I got home and I could hardly complain now could I???  So I went right to bed for an hour before going to the church to see the Life of Christ exhibit.

Of all the places to forget my camera...........I can not believe it but I did.  Probably because I was still pretty tired. I sat through the choir singing about the life of Christ and felt His love and spirit so strong.  I KNEW that there is a reason I am going through my cancer " Willie handcart" experience, and that in the big picture I will be blessed for it.  I will seek for, and find those blessings, those moments when I can feel Christ carrying me, when I can walk with angels, when I can BE an angel for someone else.  They will be there, in between the "dark and dreary world" moments.

The displays were incredible, and the live actors telling of the stories of Christ were so moving.  The spirit was enveloping me with love and peace........I wish it for everyone.  I got a big hug from my friend Colleeni (that's what I call Colleen Tolva), she is incredible, and no matter how busy she is, she always e-mails me with a positive thought.  I do love her so!

My last thoughts of the Day are "He lives!"  He died for us and "He lives!" What powerful knowledge that is!


At April 24, 2011 at 3:02 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Dear Kirsten,
How I love you, too! Thanks for coming to the Life of Christ. I knew you would come no matter what! Thanks to Dale, too, for bringing your beautiful tables and things to add to the display.
I loved your expressions in this last site. You ARE an angel and they will be there for you. Jesus WILL carry you through and lift you up.
He truly strengthened me these last weeks of hard work and I felt so much vigor, stamina and energy to do all I was required to do.
The Spirit was everywhere in that room of Life of Christ, wasn't it! Twenty six special people came that I had invited including my Russian friend, my India friend, my Vietnamese neighbor who is Buddhist; and a Chinese man ( an international artist) who lives over by Bishop Neil.
Just think about all the missionary work you and Dale will be doing some day!
Bringing souls to Christ brings me more joy than almost anything.
I will be thinking of you as you enter into another stage of what you will be required to go through.
Know that everyone, just everyone, loves you and is praying and caring about what happens to you.
Be courageous, my precious friend. This too shall pass!
Love, Colleen

At April 24, 2011 at 8:16 PM , Anonymous Nancy Martin said...

Happy Easter Mom! What a great day, isn't it? We have so much to celebrate and be grateful for. I'm so glad to hear everything went well with your port placement. I know this next week will be a big one and we will be sending hugs your way every day! I thought I'd wait until the first couple of treatments before I came to see you, but if you change your mind, just call and I'll be there!
I love you much, Nancy

At April 24, 2011 at 8:49 PM , Blogger Jeff Turner said...

I am touched to see that you have a picture of Rachel, Nancy, and I on your board. I think of you daily too. Stay strong!

At April 24, 2011 at 8:51 PM , Blogger Jeff Turner said...

Of course, when your strength fails you fall on your knees as your board says and Heavenly Father will carry you at those times! I know you've felt that strength before, and it will always be there for you.

At April 24, 2011 at 9:02 PM , Blogger Jeff Turner said...

I love reading your inspirational posts! They truly inspire and uplift me! I love you and appreciate you! I love your motivaional board! It's awesome! Happy Easter! I hope you enjoyed your day! We are thinking about you!



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