Wednesday, April 20, 2011

White Tornado Syndrome...more tender mercies

Well, have you ever seen a pregnant woman just before she delivers...........she gets this burst of energy and goes around her home like mad cleaning and organizing everything she can.  Well that has been me the past two days!!! Dale calls me the White Tornado........just get out of my way!!  I still have way too much to do and time has run out............I'll just have to let go.  Tomorrow is my chemo class, I have a conference with Deidre the study RN, and then we're off to the temple (priorities). Friday they put my Port in and I'll not be doing a lot of lifting for a few days, and then..........chemo.
My neighbor Margie came over with a card and a big know...........I never get over the feeling of "tender mercies", it is the pure love of Christ.  She said if she could do anything for me to just let her know. Then she looked at our lawn and said she'd be happy to mow the lawn if the need arises. (she already mow the neighbor on her other sides' lawn) All the garbage we see happening on TV, is real, but you just can't tell me there aren't more GOOD PEOPLE than bad, they just work silently.

Margie bringing us cookies 

Then about time Dale and I sit down for a little bite to eat (Oh forget the cookies............they're gone!) We get another knock at the's "The Relief Society!". Just wishing me a Happy Easter with a token of their love...............more tears..........more tender mercies.  I am so thankful I am practically bursting at the seems.  I know all this positive energy and love is going to rise up within me when I really need it!!
Thank-you everyone!!!

Cheryl, Jane and Kirsten

Then Dale takes off to take his CPR Class.........gooooooooooo  Dale!!  NOW he won't need it.  You know Murphy's law, if he didn't take it, he'd need it! So now I take the opportunity to put up my motivational thought board next to my sink in the bathroom.  I am going to put up positive affirmations, thoughts, scriptures, anything I might come up with in the middle of the night, whatever..........Here it is BLANK and ready to go:

Rock  N Roll..........

The sound of the garage door must be Dale.  Has he or has he not passed his CPR class?

Looks like a GO! He passed and we are both excited!

  So I'll end my day with an interesting perspective I heard at a women's conference years ago. We were told that sometimes we can change our attitudes by just turning our "buts......." around.  How different do these two "thoughts" sound?
I love you but you're driving me crazy  vs You're driving me crazy but I love you.     OR

This calling is overwhelming but I want to serve the Lord. vs  I want to serve the Lord but this calling is overwhelming.

Think about it...........


At April 21, 2011 at 8:55 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Once again you've touched my heart and I'm learning a lot from your experiences already.
The "tender mercies" of the Lord are everywhere, aren't they! You are so blest, Kirsten, and rightly so. You deserve all this wonderful love being poured out to you. Remember, what you give comes back to you and think about ALL you have given to others. It's your turn now!
Congratulations, Dale! There was no doubt in my mind that you would pass your test.
Be brave dear friend, and may Heavenly Father strengthen you and lift you up.
Bless you sweet friend,
Love, Colleen

At April 21, 2011 at 1:16 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Kirsten and Dale,
Congrats Dale on passing your cpr class! Good luck tomorow Kirsten for the day! You are so lucky you have a neighbor that mows and makes cookies! Take care, Love, Barb and Adam

At April 21, 2011 at 6:44 PM , Blogger Aunt Sherry said...

Yeah or "This sucks, but I'll do it!" vs "I'll do it, but this sucks!" can't tell I'm around 8th graders all day. Easy on the nesting or you'll get sick...hmmmm... I'll quit while I'm behind. Oh yeah, I just came from Alice in Wonderland practice and in wonderland, everything is the opposite of what you say. Add that to the mix. Did I make you forget you were tired for a minute?


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