Thursday, April 14, 2011


Well...........that may be all some of you need to know. Test results today showed no Metastatic Disesase..........YIPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEE.  That means no cancer anywhere  besides the primary site in the breast. I can't tell you how grateful I am.

Now here's my story for the day, there will be a lot of pictures, it was interesting:

First I went to have my echo cardiogram to check if my heart can handle the chemo.  The interesting part for me is I used to work with these people one day a week doing Treadmill testing with and without echo cardiograms! Sooooo I requested Shirley because we used to have lots of fun together, I called her "Dr Shirley" back then ,just for fun, because she was always teaching me stuff about the echo's, and she is good. I would have been fine with any of the others, mind you, but I was thrilled that she came to do mine!! It went well, looks like my "baseline" is fine, and my heart should do O.K. Here are a few fun pictures:

Here we go.......

Is it really "MY" turn?

Shirley and I

Disappointing blur, but hey that's MY heart up there!

Next we headed over for the PET/CT scans.  I was a bit hesitant after having MRI's done, but these are the tests I've been waiting for to find out if there is any cancer elsewhere. Everyone was really kind and put me in a room with a big lounger chair to start my IV and get me drinking contrast.

Not bad eh?

After she started my IV I was injected with radio-isotopes, then I had to wait.........for them to circulate around and attach themselves for the PET scanner to detect. Then I was taken into the scanning room.
Here I go.......

Check out the view in the ceiling!

Taking a break to drink more contrast

Nice View!

Heading in Deeper, look at the view that's coming up at the end!


Then it is done.  All in all a good experience. Thank-you OHSU!

 Now I'm ready to eat. We had some Yogurt and oranges and talked about my recent experience with D&C 88:15 "And the spirit and the body are the soul of man"

I realize each (the spirit and the body) must be taken care of equally as well and that I can work as hard as I want on one, but without the other I am not complete. I have decided I really must give up all the "extra" sugar I love so much.  Heard it before? Well, try getting diagnosed with cancer, quite a wake-up call! It is truly poison to my body, no big revelation, except I really get it, and I don't know how long I have to live, so why wouldn't I want to live the fullest and healthiest I can? Looking forward to chemotherapy, I really want my body in the best shape it can be in to handle it!  I eat plenty of fruits and vegies, but I love all the other stuff too. So, as the Martin grand kids say.......... I shall say "Can I have some of natures candy"? (fruit)

We stopped off at the Bishops storehouse in Oregon to buy some Oatmeal to follow the ward "provident living" we are almost out. Had fun actually processing it into cans. Met and worked with a woman from my sister-in-laws ward(church building) and she said she knows her very well!. Wow, what a small world?

Them we went to McGraths for dinner.  Apparently while we were in canning oatmeal my Dr called me with results!!  When I heard it was him on my cell phone message I got a bit nervous because I was told I would hear results tomorrow. But.........he called to tell me the scans were all NEGATIVE and there is no cancer other than the primary cancer in my left breast!!  I can't tell you how I felt.  I started crying and couldn't stop.  I was so grateful and happy.  I knew I would be if I got this news, but the extend to which I felt it I could not understand until I experienced it. I still have a long journey ahead of me, but the end of the tunnel is now looking brighter! Thank-you Heavenly Father, Thank-you Dr. Chui!
(I don't know why this is lining up like this, I'll edit it later, I'm heading to bed!, Byron can you help?)



At April 16, 2011 at 4:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aunt Kirsten.. our whole family wishes the best for you. We all know you'll get through it. Your hair looks great(: We love the updates so make sure you share your journey with all of us(: hope to hear from you soon! love you!!(:
Love, Jared, Nisa, Skylar, Noah, and the dogs(:


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