Friday, April 8, 2011


What a beautiful day, despite waking up dreaming about cancer............I handed it off to the Lord pretty quickly.  The sun was shining, the air so fresh. Ahhhhhhhhhh.  Dale and I went and got our pictures taken today as planned.  How wonderful modern advances are...........we can share them with you right now!!
Here they are:

There you have it!  These are my Pre-Cancer Treatment pictures.  I wore my hair naturally, just to appreciate it for what it is and how I am.  We will be getting During and After beware if you are a bit leary of bald people!!!!!!

OHSU puts together a really well written "breast cancer" information book for its patients.  I have been reading,studying and learning from it.  One of the things it suggests for difficult times is to have a few "mantras" you can repeat to give you strength.  I have chosen a few I would like to use:
D&C 105:14  "I will fight your battles"
D&C 76:2 "Great is His wisdom, Marvelous are His ways, and the extent of his Doings none can find out"

My dear friend Colleen Tolva messaged me today with a couple I am going to add:
2 Timothy 1:7 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, of love, and of a sound mind."
"Make up your minds thoroughly, once and for all, that if we have trials, the Lord has suffered them to be brought upon us, and he will give us grace to bear them".. Brigham Young
Thank-you Colleeni!  (a little long for a mantra, but why not?)

I'm off to do some reading and get ready for a new day tomorrow!  My how I seem to appreciate things more now.


At April 8, 2011 at 9:54 PM , Blogger We are the Turner's! said...

I love the pictures! Thanks for sharing them! I also love the scriptures and quotes you have chosen as your "mantra"! I love you! It great to talk to you today!

At April 9, 2011 at 7:11 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Those are gorgeous pictures. Thanks for letting others see them and feel of the love you have for each other through them.
I'm glad you want to use the "mantras" Kirsten as part of your healing progress and to help get you through this time of challenge and testing.
Love, Colleeni

At April 9, 2011 at 9:50 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Excellent pictures mommy:) I can't wait to get a "hard copy". I like the natural look on you, I am sure bald will be beautiful too.


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