Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sabbath Day Rest

Woke up with a prayer in my heart............and no anxiety.  Gratitude..........for the little things, which in reality are truly the important things. (how many times have I woken up feeling great and didn't think twice about it??) I was excited to be able to go to church and feel the spirit there, and take everything in that I possible could.

Checked out my e-mails first............thanks everyone for sending such beautiful thoughts, scriptures, words of love and encouragement (not to mention a few jokes!). They mean a lot to me, and I find myself  looking forward to them! The idea of everyone in the world being brothers and sisters takes on a new meaning to me. If only we could really look at it that way, think of what our world might be like?

My "good luck Jade" given to me by Jeri and Jack Jorgensen

Bishop Neil, and Brother Gifford were out of town leaving Brother Wallace all alone............scary for him.......Oh but the calvary showed up in the form of President Barrus and President Harbertsen.  I could feel the love they truly have for each individual in the area as they came up and greeted me, and when I asked for a hug........I got one!  Feel the power!!!

I had some good laughs with Bonnie Mills (a survivor.....I hope you don't mind me mentioning that Bonnie).
I asked her seriously, really I was serious, if she had pains in her neck and her groins and chest,, (and maybe a little blurred vision from a possible brain tumor ) etc, before her PET scan.  I said I feel like I have cancer everywhere.  She laugh  and said Oh yes, she had them all too.................just to find out how strong mental suggestion can be when  her PET scan was negative in all those areas of pain she had too!!!  Great healing!  Thanks Bonnie.  Can it be I'm just like everyone hard to control those mental thoughts.........thoughts that the potential for (premature) death could loom in the future from all this. Hey, I have places to go, things to do, grandchildren to spoil,  girlfriends to laugh with, and a husband I want MY time with. I guess I'll take it one day at a time............again............and try and not buck the big plan for my life..........too much!

Well we're off for a 2 day break to one of our favorite spots.......Seaside, Oregon. We're not sure how long it will be before we will be heading back, so we're taking advantage of the little time we have left before the "One Year Plan"

 Sometime this week I am going to get my hair cut!!


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