Monday, April 11, 2011

More Tender Mercies!!

What a great day!  Woke up happy, the sun was shining, I'm at the beach......Oh yeah! We headed downstairs to say "Hi" to our friends Nathan and Keoni before heading to the pool.  Another overwhelming experience of  "Wow, we are loved!". We felt the Lord wrap his arms around us, once again, through two new angels to add to our list.......Nathan and Keoni.  Now I know they will hate me saying this, but it is true.  We had the most interesting, stimulating, spiritual, and fun conversation. They both shared some very special stories with us that make goose bumps pop out on your arms, and tears form in your eyes. They shared other stories that made us laugh!! ( both very good medicine).  We felt their strength, and their testimonies of God and the miracles he performs. Again......Thy will be done. When I started MY "Willie Handcart Journey"  as I named it, I said I looked forward to walking with angels (on both sides of the veil) and talking with God. I never dreamed how many angels God really has here on earth to help when needed............but here were two more. Thank-you guys!  We love you.

We then did go swimming for quite a while. By the time we hit the pool, the wind kicked up and hailed.  Good Timing.  We laughed and decided it was just passing.  It was.........and the sun came out again. When we switched over to the hot tub there was a couple there we started visiting with.  Turns out she is a Thyroid and Kidney Cancer survivor.  Coincidence?  Who knows...........they were there and she had a very interesting story to share of her journey with cancer.............thus far.  In the end she said "you know, even when you are technically,CURED, it never leaves you, whenever you have an ache or pain or symptom wonder"? Another understanding I am beginning to get.

We went for a great dinner at Doogers, then for a walk on the beach where it was calm (really) .  We watched a group of quite proficient soccer players play soccer on the beach!  Then we watched then sun go down.  As we saw the streams of light going down through the clouds we thought of the temple and how very blessed we are. I feel such great warmth in my heart. I want it there always and forever.


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