Thursday, August 4, 2011

Shelbourne at Long Beach

Dale and I had a wonderful respite from the world last week-end.  It is so therapeutic to get away into Gods beauty and nature and become one with Him........and just let it all go.  My scripture for this week has been:
"My peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth give I unto you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27

Here are a few pictures from our Bed and breakfast at the Shelbourne Inn (hope that is spelled right):

Deck just off our room

Loved the old fashioned shower!

Just tripin' on the old fashioned bathroom

The other end of our deck off our bedroom. That glass looks right down into the fornal dining room.

Where we like it best............on the beach. We started our marriage at the
beach, so it will always be special to us.

The unwelcome visitor who wouldn't go away.  He had his eye on our cherries of all things!!

Today I go back to OHSU for genetics testing to see if I am BRCA positive. This would mean I was genetically pre-disposed to my cancer vs just happening to be one of the "unlucky".  The information would be very helpful to my children, obviously, plus my surgeon says it would mean she would want to take my ovaries out too.

I'm also going to meet the plastic surgeon, Dr. Thakar today.  It should be a very interesting discussion about how to put me back together after the mastectomies.  I'm also going to have her look at my leg which I impaled on a small branch yesterday in the garden.  I hope it will not cause problems for starting chemo tomorrow. 

What do you think? A typical Petersen maneuver, that's what I think!!
The red line is not a "streak" it is actually a scrape from the bush.

Will keep you posted. Plans are otherwise, to start my new chemo tomorrow at 9am.  It will be the combination of Adriamycin and Cytoxan.  Saturday I will go get my injection of Neulasta, which I'm O.K. with going back up to OHSU for the first shot to be observed for any untoward side affect.  But I think it is obsurd I have to go back EVERY Satuday because the Insurance Company will not cover it if it is not given there.  It is a simple SQ injection I could administer to myself so easily!!  But I need the Neulasta to rev up my bone marrow and stimulate it to make Red and White blood cells for my body, so I guess one just doesn't "buck the system". 

Here's the first half of the scripture I gave you above, it is on the top ten list too:
"But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, Whom my Father will send to you in my name, Shall TEACH YOU ALL THINGS,  and BRING TO YOUR REMEMBRANCE whatsoever I have said unto you." John 14: 26            How can we go wrong?????


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