Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day Before Chemo

"The Best laid plans of mice and men". Yep, I didn't get my day of rest to find my Nirvana or Zen spot I'm looking for.  We remembered we had a chiropractic appointment at 10am and figured well that is good and relaxing anyway. Then it turned out I had to go from there to OHSU to get some pre-chemo steroids to take tonight, there was a delay in getting the RX, we decided to sign consent forms while we were there anyway..........and well you know the drill. I got home at 3PM needing to leave at 5PM to take the Elders out for dinner (which I had planned on as a fun thing to do). 

 I got out my new MP3 player and got my computer to start "ripping" music from my CD's to it.  The problem is I'm not really sure how I did it, but it does seem to work.  Where are my grand children when I need them?

Had a blast with the Elders for dinner.  What a great way to cheer you up and calm you down.  Elder Cashin' is going home in 6 days!! This is such a turning point in his life. I am very proud of both these Elders, as I am sure Heavenly Father is too!!!  Here is our farewell picture (at the Chinese Buffet)

                                                     Elder Randall, me and Elder Chasin'

 My sister Sherry went with too, she always add some spice to the mix.  I'm really glad we had this time.I have to tell you what my fortune cookie said "Your road to glory will be rocky, but fulfilling."  Go figure!!!!!

When I got home Nancy called!  I was so glad.  I hadn't got to talk to her all week and I need her sweet spirit to spur me on too. Thanks Nancy. Three of her four kids yelled out to me in unison, "hi grandma, get better, we love you".  Now there is some power!!!  I talked to Jeff earlier in the day and he is always good for some positive affirmation (and maybe a few laughs) , Julie and Lily talked to me last night (and Lily of course sang me a song ) they are so sweet,  Catt talked to me earlier in the week and wished me well,  and Rachel is taking me tomorrow (with Dale).  So All of my children have checked in with me. ( that is not to mention nieces and nephews whom I love dearly too!!)

That is that for now. Will check in as time and opportunity allows me to, and share the next phase of this whole Cancer experience with you as I can. It begins at 9am tomorrow (infusion around 10am). Oh.....and the "Big" motivational wall begins to grow and change below:


At April 28, 2011 at 5:35 PM , Blogger Aunt Sherry said...

Hi Kirsty,
I'm afraid to call in case you are asleep, so I thought I'd blog for a min. before swimming. I hear you came through with flying colors and that if you get sick it may not be for a couple of days. Just remember I'm prying for the 20%, or the ones who don't get quite as sick as the rest. Your spirit is intact, you are loved by many, and you just saw a good love story in Water for the Elephats. The Lord is mindful of you, so check, check, check, and check...yep, all is well, all is well!
Pansy (aka President of the Fishies club) For the rest of you, the only members of the club were Sherry and Kirsten!

At April 28, 2011 at 5:36 PM , Blogger Aunt Sherry said...

Correction: praying for you, not prying!


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