Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Time for a Wig.........or two

Woke up after a great nights sleep ready to roll.  Rachel showed up to go Wig shopping with me. We left Katie home with grandpa. We went to a place called The Wig Closet, sponsored by The American Cancer Society. It is downtown Vancouver on Main Street. A volunteer named Sharon was there and waiting for us. (we had made an appointment) We had so much fun trying on different wigs.  Some I thought would look great.........definitely did NOT, others were really snazzy. I really thought I'd like this like beautiful  long strawberry blond wig.......Oh boy......no way.
We got a lot of fun pictures which I will edit into this blog as soon as I get them e-mailed to me from Rachel. I can't believe I forgot my camera again!!!  Fortunately Rachel had hers and promises to send them to me sometime tonight. Right Rachel????

                                                              Not Right!!!!!
                                                                   Getting Closer????


                                           Some days I just might not need any hair at all!!

 I ended up with two wigs, and two soft cotton caps.  I felt overwhelmed that strangers were willing to donate this to me......they just GAVE them to me because they CARE!! Yep......you got it, I cried again, I can't seem to get away from it. Of course they were good tears.  Being surrounded by such love is truly overwhelming. Anybody mention The Willie Handcart Company?

Rachel and I then went to the Renaissance Ice Cream Parlor just a few doors down (how could we not?)  Oh man..........want a good treat..........try their home made ice cream.......... Then, a little backwards in order.......we went out for Chinese Food. I wore my short and sassy wig just to get used to it. It felt good.  It gave me confidence in my appearance when I do lose my hair.(pretty soon now)

While we were waiting for the food Rachel said, "Wouldn't it be fun just to trade into your other wig and act like nothing and see how the waiter reacts?"  We about died laughing.  I didn't have it right there with me or I think I might have done it.  The two wigs are completely different colors and lengths!!

When we got home Katie and Grandpa Dale had been busy working and having fun.  Katie helped grandpa put back all the silk planters we'd loaned out, worked on her math homework, and put together my "Big" inspirational wall for me.  I was so excited they had gotten it done for me.  This is the wall I will be looking at when I first wake up in the morning:

Note the smiley face Katie put on there

Here's one wig sitting on top of the other! What fun!

Now I can put some more inspirational thoughts right there to look at and contemplate.......when I can't do anything else.  Thanks you guys!!!

We then picked up mom and dad and met Sherry at Billygans. I can't believe I ate so much today.  But I got a message from a very reliable Nurse Practitioner today (Hi Kathy), after I was complaining about a couple things I ate wrong yesterday, that said "eat whatever you want!" So I'm having a few "last Suppers" without guilt. Not a lot of junk food, just maybe a little bit too much!

Then we all went out to see "Water for Elephants". A traumatic, yet touching love story. I enjoyed it quite a bit. When we dropped off mom and dad we went inside for a few very special minutes, and I received a Priesthood blessing for my Chemotherapy. When Dale and Dad placed their hands on my head, I once again had that experience which I love so much, where I feel the power of light, love, and peace touch the top of my head and spread throughout my body. I know what it means when the Lord says "Peace.......be still".
I will do my best.........and He will do the rest.

Tomorrow I'm staying home all day to just relax, read, and get ready.  We will go to the temple tomorrow night (early). Not knowing how I'll react to Chemo, or how my blood counts will be..........I don't know how long it will be before I'll be able to go again. That is a thought I do not relish. Thy will be done.............


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