First Day of!
I woke up today thinking.........."wow, just think if I had my cancer twenty years ago, they wouldn't have the DNA specific study drug available for my aggressive tumor! I am so grateful to be able to have this treatment at this time". I got up and just felt such a deep sense of gratitude" The more grateful I felt, the more peace I felt and then I realized there is a deep connection between the two. The Light of Christ shines more deeply on me when I am grateful for what I have.
Well it was a get up and go morning. I had everything packed and double packed from last night. The pre-chemo steroids I took had me running around like I was on speed until 2am, when I finally got some Ativan to kick it down a notch and was able to read myself to sleep. So.......not starting out here too good with sleep..............ahhhh, but I'm grateful I was able to sleep at all, and the sleep I got was deep and good!
Dale fixed me some home made pancakes, with applesauce and jam (the way I like them). We also had some Greek yogurt with oranges..........yum!. Rachel showed up exactly on time (she got that from her dad Tom and she bragged that she did!). We said prayer and took off. Here's what we looked like:
Mom and Rachel we are on it!
we're going to win!
Kirsten and Dale....note Dale's T-Shirt says from the
Belfast we visited in England
Checking in...........
Getting ready to have my Port accessed for the first time
kinda weird.........I should be the nurse!
That is a needle she is sticking into me!
Drawing some blood.....they'll do this
every week
Back to the waiting room to wait to see Dr. Chui next
Checking out the hats which have been donated for
cancer patients!!
Kirsten and Dr his smile and attitude
Had a great visit with Dr. Chui. He is excited to have me on the "right drug". He did quite an extensive exam, palpating, measuring, palpating, measuring. My tumor has grown in the past three weeks. No surprise with the aggressive Her2 Characteristic. The thought kind of freaked me out, but he reminded me of the anology between Penicillin and Pneumonia. If you have a rip roaring pneumonia and you throw the wrong drug at his you may be dead, but if you know the right drug is've got it! He says it was worth the extra three weeks (and growth) to know we are putting me on the right drugs!!! I feel he is right. Anyway he says we are ready to go to war and kick its' butt...........and win!! I felt really good after our visit. I love him.......he is so practical, extremely knowledgeable and professional,and yet he relates well with his patients at OUR level.
Next we were off to the actual chemotherapy room........ooh......aah
John and Kirsten getting started:
Here's Nurse Carol, another of Gods angels. She hooked me up to the IVs and monitored me. |
Deirdre and Kirsten |
She reviewed all my possible side effects and exactly what to do for them and when! She got my prescriptions sent down to pharmacy and ready to pick up. (a huge help as you all know!) Also, she re-iterated to call her about any little complaint I have and not wait!! She also re-iterated the importance of staying away from germ factories!! So I'm going to sneak into church and sit up on the stand where I go to lead the music, and then slink out of church ASAP when it is over. So please don't anyone feel bad. NO HUGS, as you might know, if I catch everyday bugs from someone when my blood counts are down, it could be really serious for me without an immune system to fight it. So.......I will not be going to Relief Society or Sunday school either. This will be really hard, and I will really miss it, but it is the only way to get through this.
I was thinking about you all day long. I'm happy you got the treatment started now. First step towards victory! May your weekend go smooth and your soul be filled with love and tender mercies from God!
I am thinking of you so often. I hope you know I care, and yes; I will keep my distance till all is clear. When I see you I will send my love and hugs. May your Angels surround you and hold you tight especially on the days you are feeling sick.
God Bless You and Dale & Family <3
Woohoo! You made it through day one! I called Rachel last night and she told me the story of the pull cord for the nurse's call button . . . nice one! Thanks for taking the time to detail your day so well, it really helps us feel part of things, even though we're not there. I hope you can get some rest today. I don't want to call you and be the one to wake you up, so anytime you call is a good time for me!
Much love, Nancy
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