Saturday, April 30, 2011

Just Tired

Just tired today. Had a great walk at Klineline with Dale. Dale says he is going to drag my toosh out there come rain or shine because he loves me and the statistics show those who do their daily walk through chemo do 50% better and are much less likely to have heart problems related to the drugs. Oh and because Dr. Chui said he wants me to do it! I'm not complaining, I am grateful to be able to do it and have help.

We went to Stake Conference tonight.  The talks were excellent (as usual) and there was a special musical number which got me crying thinking about if I could see Christ at my side.  I can sure feel Him.  I could feel His spirit throughout the conference.  Conference always helps me see a broader more eternal picture of my life, which is a good thing right now.  I am re-assured that I am in His Plan" for me" right now, and that makes it O.K. with me. May I grow as I am intended to, despite my weaknesses, and come full circle to live with Him again someday.

Dale and I left the meeting as soon as the Closing Song began so I could try and dodge some germs that my ever weakening immune system is less and less capable of handling. Hope you all understand. I'm not up to handshaking or hugging right now.  But always up for the "love".


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