Friday, April 29, 2011

Day After First Chemo

Well......I was up again until 2:30am fighting the steroids, wow!  I got about 4 1/2 hours sleep. When  I got up my face chest and throat were beet red, so I message Deirdre and she wrote me back that it is probably the Steroids. Like....duh........I knew that. Being "the patient" is so different than being the nurse.  Then I went back to my bathroom and had to take another picture.  You can see how cancer is taking over my universe:

Those sheets of papers all over my mirror are my lists of instructions to keep my medications straight!

 It didn't take long and I felt wired up on steroids again.  So I made a lot of business phone calls, paid some bills, did some loads of laundry, made some laundry soap (thank-you Betty Clapp!) and then I started not feeling well........just slowing down and getting tired, right when my friend Colleen stopped by to give me a beautiful wall hanging that states "what illness cannot do". Thank-you Colleen.  I did not let her in the house and she understood.  I was not in shape for a visit and she knew it, she just stopped by for a brief cheer up.  Here's the wall hanging:

The wall continues to grow, taking on a life of it's own!!

Dale went to get some new tires on the car and somewhere in his comings and goings a neighbor showed up with a bouquet of tulips. Dale said "he" wanted to remain nameless.........well I immediately knew who it was. Thanks Scott and Linda!!  You are so sweet.  Have I said lately I am very blessed!!!

Our neighbor Jan called to tell us she is O.K. in Alabama!!  She was right there next to the neighborhood that was devastated by the tornado!!  I'm so thankful to the Lord that you are O.K. Jan! You know, I just might need you when you come home! 

Thank-you to Emily for writing on grandma's Blog. It made me cry tears of joy to read how much you love me.  I had fun playing "witch" with you in the park too, and you better believe we will be doing it again. Just hang on, be patient, and keep praying for grandma! ( I pray for you every night too!)

Thank-you again EVERYONE for loving me and praying for me.  I continue to feel strength. Tomorrow is the first day I will probably start feeling the yuckies from the chemo.  So if I don't write, never mind, I'll write soon!

Heavenly Father has a plan for me, and my to follow His!


At April 29, 2011 at 9:48 PM , Blogger Nanners said...

Maybe I should get some of those steroids- I have about 8 loads of laundry to fold :) I can't wait to come see you and see your wall and message board in person. Hang in there tomorrow as the yuckies hit!!! I love you!

At April 29, 2011 at 10:05 PM , Blogger Aunt Sherry said...

Hi Babydoll,
It must be scary not knowing what to expect, but your faith and attitude, as well as the Lord's tender mercies will see you through. As soon as I am done at the school I will rush to see if you need me to hold your hair, or run for more toilet paper, or whatever the case may be.(oops, run0on sentence!) You continue to amaze me! I know the ol' prednisone crash and burn syndrom, so I hope you are in dream land and getting some much needed rest. You are right for not going to a movie, there are definately too many peole to risk it. You are the the focus and it needs to be that way for awhile. It is hard for you as the caregiver, but you will learn. Sweet dreams little bear.
Sherry XOXXXoooxoxo

At April 29, 2011 at 10:08 PM , Blogger Aunt Sherry said...

My principal gave me some good ideas for chick flicks as the time goes on...she named some good series to start at episode 1 with. We can get hooked up with Jared ordering them on Netflix :-0 (When the time comes) I love the hats,,,you be stylin'
Big sis

At April 30, 2011 at 5:46 PM , Blogger Nathan said...

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At April 30, 2011 at 5:48 PM , Blogger Nathan said...

Long-time listener, first time caller. :-)

We read your blog every day and find it so inspirational.

Lots of love...Nathan and Claudia.

At May 4, 2011 at 1:53 AM , Anonymous Calina Jane said...

When you ask yourself how long should you be off steroids, there's a simple rule of thumb that bodybuilders often use. It says that off-cycle period should be as same as the time being on steroids. However most users rather cheat sometimes and don't stay off of the gear for the recommended time


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