Monday, May 2, 2011

Knew it would hit someday..........

So today was the day,  I didn't sleep well, and woke up feeling not so good. Then it hit and I was not in the best of shape for a couple hours. So........I was sitting on the toilet thinking "this really stinks!"(nice one) and wondering about the many people who have "been here before me".  That would be A LOT of people, and I decided it was O.K.  Funny thing...... "Misery does love company". But you know, it IS comforting to know others have been through this before and have survived just fine.  All I know is.........IT WILL BE WORTH IT! Deirdre "my" nurse called me in response to my e-mail and got me on track with medication and I am doing much better now!  Deidre said today and tomorrow are "typically" the worst days.  We'll day at a time.  I can do this!!!

Dale did drag me out for a walk on the WSU campus, it was beautiful and I enjoyed  it.  Came home tired,  (big surprise) Dale fixed me some food and I actually sat in our recliner and watched a TV program (House)  for an hour which is really rare.  I usually have better things to do than watch TV. Not today.........and I actually enjoyed it.  My sister Sherry says she thinks part of my learning in this journey is to not be so insanely busy all the time,  you my lists have lists   ha! She says I need to learn to stop and smell the roses more, albeit there is nothing wrong with some good old fashioned hard work!  Well Sis.......I'm "smelling the roses".

Just thought I'd check in.........good night!

PS I'm excited.  Nancy is coming down at the end of the month to take care of her mommie for a week-end. What a treat!  Here is a woman with 4 children, busier than heck (where did she get that?)  but she is going to MAKE the time .  Good prioritization Nancy!!  (:   Thank-you Byron for being willing to watch the kids!!


At May 3, 2011 at 12:19 AM , Blogger Aunt Sherry said...

Oh poop! Hang in there! If you feel well enough and are out for a walk, stop and see your portrait on the wall. It is fabulous! I din't use your frame so the one you gave me is on the stairs if you want to give it to somebody else.

Sleep tight babydoll!
Hugs and more hugs!

At May 3, 2011 at 6:38 PM , Blogger Solveig & Victor said...

Hi baby Doll;
Sunny weather sure helps the spirit soar, so hope this has been the case with you. Mom says hi as she was just in after trimming the dead flowers. Have you noticed the ads for McGraths for the halibut season. Have dale look at thism and perhaps we should hit there on saturday when we go out to dinner ??? Advise. Love you. Mange Hilsen fra os alle! Far

At May 3, 2011 at 9:11 PM , Blogger Nanners said...

I hope today was better, Mom! I hate to think of you feeling so crummy. I said awhile ago that I would send that quote I like from Pres. Hinckley, so here it is: "It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't owrry. I say that to myself every morning. It will all work out. If you do your best, it will all work out. Put your trust in God and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us . . .if we will pray to Him, if we will live worthy of his blessings, He will hear our prayers."
I can't wait to come see you and hopefully give Dale a break!! Tell him we love and appreciate him too. I'm very grateful to know he's there taking care of you.

At May 3, 2011 at 9:47 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Dear friend,
Ya know, some of those old movies are really fun and uplifting to watch. They are so beautiful and wholesome compared to what's in our movies today. If you ever want to watch some we have bunches and I'd be happy to loan them to you. I think it would send warm fuzzies your way and you surely will need lots of those.
I love you, Kirsten. I'm so glad Deirdre is there for you when you need her. Also Dale, family and friends.
Haven't I always told you to "smell the roses' and look up at the sun shinning through the trees? When you're sittin' on the toilet being sick, it's pretty hard to look up through the trees! Hang in there, Sweetie!
Love to you, Colleeni


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