Sunday, May 1, 2011

Physical and spiritual renewal

Today was Stake Conference. I felt blessed to be able to go. I pulled up in front of the church and the sun was shining and it felt good. I took a picture and was just grateful to be there.

When the conference began I was touched that they had chosen a childrens' choir to sing for us,  their sweet spirits sent a wave of calm through my soul:

I even enjoyed watching the chorister lead us, and I thought about what a blessing it is that I get to stand where she is every week (usually) and lead the congregation:

I am getting the theme of gratitude again.  It affects our lives immensely.  I am convinced it is not necessarily the specific difficulties we are going through, but how we deal with them that really matters.  Being grateful expands my visions of who I am and who I want to become through my experiences. It really is a choice.  We can choose light or dark, happiness or sadness, despite whatever we may be going through.  Because we know who is in charge and that we are literally a child of God.

After Conference we went to Burnt Bridge Creek Trail. We walked 3 miles and I got tired.  Boy what a change for me, I felt like a wimp.  But we will persist. It was so refreshing to the senses.......and yes filled me with gratitude for where I live and what I can still enjoy.

                                               Sherry peaking out from behind a tree

                                                    Sherry and Dale............

                                                    Kirsten and Sherry, Always with water!

We came home refreshed but exhausted and went right to bed. I was asleep in seconds.  It felt really good. Unfortunately it didn't last long........but we'll take what we can get.

 Each day is weird, I am waiting for the "big boom" whatever that is going to happen.  I know of the things that will be happening in my body: good cells dying along with the cancer cells, causing side effects like nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, anemia, alopecia (hair loss) and approximately when it happens........but not EXACTLY WHEN for me.  To me the unknown is always worse than the known, a sentiment I suspect I share with many.  Each day I am grateful  that I do not feel sick, and recognize that many prayers are being said for me.  Tonight my joints feel achy and I feel cold. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. Basically though..........I feel good.


At May 2, 2011 at 4:41 PM , Blogger We are the Turner's! said...

Thanks for being such an inspiration to me! I love you! You are in my constant thoughts! I am glad you enjoyed conference and got to go on a beautiful walk!


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