Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Thoughts at Klineline

Well I seem to have a routine. I get up and feel great for about an hour, then not so great for a few hours, then it is time to go for my walk!  We went to Klineline today and did the whole walk (5-6miles?) It felt great.  The Blue Heron is specifically meaningful to Dale and I as we spent half a day on our honeymoon sitting in a boat mesmerized by a blue heron that was Regally going up and down the Neancum River fishing while literally hundreds of shiny silver smelt were running..... it was a beautiful site.  So, it has become a "Kirsten and Dale" thing.

How can a person not get healthy in a place like this??  Anyway, as we were walking along I kept thinking about priorities and how we are all trying so hard to get everything done. We've been told one of Satan's great tools to keep us from doing "the best" things  is to keep us busy doing "good" things.  So how does one shuffle through it all when laundry has to be done, meals have to be cooked, etc. etc.?  How do I decide what to cut out of my life?? Then the thought came to me, it is not what you "cut out" but what you need to "add in". What are the things I desire "most" in my life that aren't getting done??  Those are the things to be added in first.......then the rest will shuffle itself appropriately.  Easier said than done.....yes, but still a good start.  So........if  I were feeling guilty because I wasn't getting my daily scripture study in, then that is the first thing I should add in to my life!!  Well..........that is my philosophical/theological thought for the day.  I like it.

I did have a new strange "sensation"  or symptom today.  My hair follicles seemed to have some sharp shooting pains! Nothing terrible or hard to handle mind you, but nevertheless a very odd sensation.  I thought to myself  "Oh no, my hair is dying!!"  Weird.........The plan is to go and get my head shaved on Friday.  Dr. Chui said some people prefer to do it this way because it can be quite traumatic to suddenly have a handful of hair in your brush, on your pillow, or whatever.  I've decided that is sound advice, and since my hair is "due" to fall out next week, I'll get a jump on it........ha!

We came home and Dale fixed some stir fry for us. While waiting for dinner my grand daughter Emily called me and was so cute.  We talked about some fun "secrets" we have and giggled.  I told her about my hair follicles hurting and she was amazed.  Grandchildren are always good for a pick me upper.

 I kind of felt sick half way through dinner so I just got up and slipped into the lounger.  We watched a couple inspirational short stories on the DVD and then a "chick flick" while Dale disappeared into the "guest" room to read.

Well, my sister has gone home, my blogging is done, and I think I'm "done"...........you can stick a fork in me. So I'm off to bed.


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