Thursday, August 18, 2011

Post First A/C Chemo, behind on blog.....again

Well I'm behind again, but I guess that is a self-imposed schedule.  I'm just trying to record as much as I can of this experience.

I had my first Adriamycin and Cytoxan infusion on the 5th, it went well like all the rest. Basically I am flying on the Steroids, the other IV medications they give me seem to work, so I just have fun on chemo day visiting with my daughter (or the occasional replacement for her) , and then she laughs while she tells me I talk non-stop. (I swear I try really hard to speak slowly and allow everyone their turn, being aware that the steroids are on board!) Saturday I went and got the Neulasta shot that stimulates bone marrow production. They were right, it makes your body ache all over.

Hanging out at home, trying to function, not feeling too hot

Sunday I started feeling sick, and basically Monday through Friday were recovery days. Saturday and Sunday I was still really tired. But the second week (this week) I really started feeling good! I still go for my daily hour long walk , which was really not so easy this first week, but the second week I could feel more strength in my walk!  The secret is, of course, naps!!!  A hard thing for me to learn to do. But when your body stops stop for a nap!

Janet and Linda came to visit me, that was fun.  They are two nurses I worked with my ten years at Kaiser. We are best of friends. They fussed all over me and gave me all that psychological support (that works) and took me to dinner at Applebee's. It was really nice.  Linda has had her own problems too!!  She had shoulder surgery and has not been having so much fun with that either!!  Here's a picture of what we call "The three musketeers" :

Kirsten,Linda and Janet. (I do look tired, I wasn't feeling so well)

We continue to receive meals from church on every Friday.  It is such a blessing, I can not tell you how much it means to us and fills our hearts with the continual feelings of the tender mercies of the Lord.  I know I am going to be alright.  I just have to walk through the fire to get there.  Along the way I get to be refined like shiny gold.  Not always "easy" ..........but I am so grateful and feel so special to be loved this much.  The thing is............if only everyone could really understand...........we are ALL loved so much!!!!!
This is our life's journey and I don't want to waste one minute of it no matter you?
So I repeat my daily motivational mantras to myself (I have 4) say my prayers, read my scriptures, and pick myself up and say GO!  Some days it is very literally a verbal....."get up and GO Kirsten" ( ask Dale, I believe he has heard me yelling at myself... hee hee)  but it always works.  If it is a tough day........go meet a neighbor, or someone new.  We went to Costco just for a frozen yogurt (so like me and Dale) sat down and met the most wonderful woman. We talked and laughed and had a wonderful time. She works at Yard and Garden and we are going to go visit her!!  You never know.........Life IS good!!


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