Monday, May 9, 2011

Look Good......Feel Better

Today was awesome.  Another example of how we can volunteer in our communities to help lift this case I was the one being lifted.  This  is through a program called "Look Good...Feel Better"  sponsored  via the American Cancer Society with trained estheticians or cosmetologists who teach us how to treat ourselves both skin wise, make-up wise, and attire (hats and hair).  We got there and there was a beautiful table set up for us with these two special ladies waiting:

Looks fun already right?  Yep ! They are the kind of girls that are just plain fun and have no hidden agendas.  They just wanted to help us to feel better about ourselves, and give us ideas on how to better take care of ourselves during our  journey through cancer. They didn't even just once, kind of , sort of  "mention" where they work or how we could access them (which would seem like a normal thing to do).

Mom and I getting started, nice table eh?

 They handed out a nice bag to each of us filled with wonderful FREE costmetics and skin care products.  It really makes me have goose bumps now just thinking about the kindness and "tender mercies". I have to thank all the product people who donated to the "bags" as there were many different kinds of items.


getting my "goods" set up to use

Next went through a step by step process cleansing our faces and putting make up on. It felt so good and was really fun.  When we were done I didn't even think I  looked  half bad.  The hat I'm wearing was a gift too:

We looked at several different types of hats and they even taught us how to "make" a hat out of the lower half of a cut off t-shirt!! I wish I had taken picutres.  Sometimes I'm just having too much fun to even remember taking pictures.  I'll have to take one when I make one at home to show you!  It really is cute.

Thank-you so much to all the Look Good-....Feel Better people.  And to anyone just thinking about it........go for it


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