Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dale Before and After the Beard, and his garden

In the midst of all this Dale decided to grow his beard.  I agreed, why not while he is in between jobs.  Obviously is comes off if there is an interview.  Well he had a job interview (which didn't work out) so darn it he had to shave.  It is interesting, most women do not like his beard...........especially his mom.  But the men seem more open to it.  I think he looks like a mountain man, and I like It!!  Of course I just love him anyway so I guess I'm prejudiced!  Here's the beard:

Now who wouldn't just love him!

O.K. here comes the "after: pictures.  I thought I would also include part of his garden for the year.  This doesn't include his tomatoes and peppers, or the blueberries and raspberries. But it is still fun to see.

Smooth as can be!

So what do you think?  I like him either way.  But he definitely has a much more "professional" look without the beard.  So no bartering for the beard when it comes to finding a job!!!

Here are some pictures of his garden this year.  It of course has had problems because of the weather we're having this needs more heat!

Our beans along with some of our "hybrid" fence apple and pears trees

Beets, I so hope they get big enough for Dale to can.  He makes the best canned beets!

Dale's sad little Artichoke plant. There are no blossoms or signs of any artichokes!

The gardener  (): You can see more of the trees in the back

He is so fun to have around.  I'm so blessed to have him.  I don't know what I'd do going through this cancer without him.  Heavenly Father gives us what we need......when we need it. Our Third Wedding Anniversary comes up Wednesday next week the 23rd!! We feel like we've been married 50 years with all we have been through. (and I mean that in a good way).


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