Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lewisville Park Picnic with Mom,Dad,Sherry and Jared

We really struggled with wanting to go to our church picnic yesterday.  But we always ultimately ended up with the fact that, even though it was outside (which is why we kept thinking maybe we should go) ultimately there are just too many people, and too many potential "huggers" with a potential
 - known or unknown to them-viruses/germs, that I just can't take a chance with my compromised immune system. So my sister Sherry "fixed" it without even knowing by organizing a family picnic at Lewisville Park. We said "Yes!"

What a great day!  There were hardly any people at the park and of course we had our own little spot. We had fun eating, talking and laughing,  playing games, we even took "my" walk, and  took naps!! (all of us).  The weather was perfect, the air was fresh, the sound of the youth over running and screaming at the river echoed in the background........basically it was a perfect day:

The "picnic" (minus me, of course I'm taking the picture)

Sherry and much alike

Kirsten and Dale
Kirsten (without her hat) and Dale

Mom and Jared (I think they look related)

After eating we all cozied up and took naps.  These trees below are what we looked up to on either side of us. It was great. What more could you want?

Sherry, mom, Dale and Dad in that order above having the big "Nap"

Sherry and I in two above pictures went for a "hike" after the nap. I got winded on the hills, but kept going

We got home about 8:15 PM...........beat and ready for bed.  We got a phone call fronm Sister Ulrich saying she was here from Sandy Utah and could she come see us.  Anyone else at that moment I would have said I was sorry but just too beat.  But I knew this was a special opportunity and jumped up and said yes!!  We had the most wonderful visit, and she had mother with her too!!
So  now I know whyAlli Ulrich is so special,  so is her mom!!! I'm devastated that I couldn't find my camera (was probably just too tired) but they took pictures and promised to send them to me and I'll get them in here when I get them!!) Alli is one of those people that everyone just loves.  We loved having her here when she was on her mission and I learned so much from her!!!

Well, I think this day is probably getting full enough.  Tomorrow is Chemo #2  for the A/C drugs.  My body knows it and my mind has to talk to it and calm it down.  I'll be taking Dexamethazone in a few hours and then the count down begins......Gratitude....gratitude.......gratitude.
Here is a favorite thought of mine from President Harold B. Lee:

You cannot lift another soul until you are standing on higher ground than he is....
you cannot light a fire in another soul unless it is burning in your soul.



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