Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Disappointment, a Psycological Hit 10/6/2011

Dale and I went to lunch after the News interview. We were in great moods, uplifted, fortified and ready to get the surgery over with.  Afterwards we went back to Dr. Naik's (the Surgeon) office for a quick blood draw and then we were headed to see Dr. Thacker (The Plastic Surgeon) for a Pre-op with her.

The nurse escorted me into the room and said Dr. Naik will be in to see you in a minute.  That is when I knew something was "fishy". I was done with my pre-op with Dr. Naik and was here for the nurse to do a blood draw for a "type and screen" for surgery the next day.  Dr. Naik came in and I could tell immediately something was wrong.  She said she was very sorry, but my surgery was going to have to be cancelled for tomorrow and rescheduled because my white blood cell count was too low.  What??!!

I could not believe my ears.  She explained how she had discussed it thoroughly with Dr. Thacker and they were concerned about my potential for not being able to heal well with that low of a blood count.  It all made sense, and I knew it was probably in my best interest, but it was hard for my head and my heart to get it together with this information.  I didn't want to have to WAIT any longer.  I walked out of her office in a daze and went and told Dale.  He felt much the same as I did..........very disappointed.

Next we went to Dr. Thackers office.  She came in and walked right up to me and gave me a big hug and said "I'm sorry".  It felt good to know they cared.  She explained it all over again, and I understood, I accepted it a little better, but I still was disappointed.  The question became  "Why"? Why had my counts just dropped like that??  We didn't really know.  Then I got to thinking..........I had a flu shot the week before.........Now, we will never really KNOW, but that is our strong index of suspicion.  You can't have a flu shot if you are sick with  fever over 101 degrees because of the potential to "overwhelm" your immune system and make you sicker.  Well......my immune system is already "overwhelmed" and delicate as it is just recouperating from chemotherapy..........so very potentially I was affected at MY weak point currently..........my blood counts!! Makes sense to me.

The plan is for me to come back next week on the 12th and have a re-draw of my blood counts.  We hope that my body will be busy fixing itself and the counts will be better.  If not, there is an injection called Neupon they can give me to make my body step it up and make the blood cells.  But we prefer to try and let my body do it on its' own.  Then I will come see Dr. Thacker and Dr. Naik again the next day on Thursday to verify the new plan.  Surgery was rescheduled for Wednesday the 19th.......no matter what!!!!

So my plan is to rest, exercise, eat healthy, stay away from people germs, and be ready for this.  Time to regroup my thinking for another 12 days. Time to pray for increased White blood cells. Actually red blood cells too, they are too low, but not so worrisome to the doctors since they feel comfortable just being able to transfuse a unit of blood. I am going to assume "everything is meant to be" and that this is a blessing in disguise.  I must have needed this extra time to get stronger for the surgery. 

I am in the Lords hands..........he is with me every minute and every step of the way!!!


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