Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Second Chemo of Adriamycin and Cytoxin/September 16,2011

Well you can't tell me it isn't possible to have fun at chemo. A little steroids, and some great company can make for a pretty good "high" and some good times before the side effects hit:

Nancy and Rachel "I think they're laughing both at and with me"

Me and my wig massaging the massage therapist Gladys

Deirdre, my favorite RN coordinator
She is fun, real, and gets done what I can't or won't

Explaining some sort of great technique I just heard about.
Who says you have to just lay there and think about the "poison" going into your system?

The Chemo therapy RN "playing with my Smart Port" (my IV access)

All in all, we had a great time.  We love OHSU and the nurses and volunteers, everyone has been so wonderful to us!
Next we headed off to Red Lobster, that's another story, wait 'til you hear what we did!!


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