Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Katie's birthday at the Beach 8/28 through 8/30

The next 8 days were pretty much horrible.  Trying to explain the fatigue alone of chemo is difficult.  It is completely different from being totally exhausted after pushing yourself through say a 12 hours shift in the emergency room, or staying up all night with a child (I've done both).  Those are tough, but I could always "push myself through" until I had to.  When chemo fatigue hits, you are done.  It is like at a cellular level, and your body just won't go.  There is no pushing through it, you stop. Then add to that the "achy brachy's" from the Neulasta injections, nausea, etc. etc. You just take it one day at a time, and often one hour at a time...........knowing "this too shall pass" but not wanting to do it anymore.  I would have to keep my focus elsewhere or I could drive myself crazy.

Day #9 (post chemo) I had planned to take Rachel and her four children to the beach for Katie's birthday.  I had forewarned them that they might be going by themselves, but if at all possible, I would go with them. Heck, I could just as well be sick in a condo at the beach as at home.  I also warned them "when grandma is going to bed, I'm going to bed. It can be any time of the day." The big problem was trying to make the drive by car.

Well, as you might guess...I went with them, not feeling the best, but always with hope. Maybe the beach air will help a little?  Well, I started out not so well by tripping and falling as soon as we got to the condo.  Rachel just happend to snap a picture (she did ask me if I was alright first, albeit, how did I know quite yet?)

 It was really tough at times.  I walked down to the beach with them and that  was it for my energy. But after laying down for a while, I actually got my feet and legs in the water and got some good pictures:

Katie the birthday girl, gettting down into the sand and water!

Danni taking charge of the waves!

Alex, are you digging for clams?

Rachel, actually getting to sit and relax for a change!

The BIG sisters, Alex and Kelly...........teenagers!!!

Here's a rare one.....Rachel is actually in the water AND having fun!

Yes, she's definitely having fun!

Get ready........and


We headed back to the condo and grandma took a long nap.  I woke up hungry and decided to try good old Doogers with the kids. So we headed out and I made it through dinner with them.  Here are a couple of pictures from that dinner, most of them just didn't turn out this time:



One thing is for sure...........there is nothing like family............in the good times and in the bad tines!



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