Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Nathan and Claudia visit from Boston, Chemo #3 on 9/2/2011

We got home from the beach in time for a visit from my Nephew Nathan and his wife Claudia (from Chile) and their two children Danni and Emily. They live in Boston, so this was a real extra treat, short lived and in conjunction with my third chemotherapy with A/C (Adriamycin and Cytoxin).

Nathan and Claudia are a really fun couple/family.  They are both very dedicated to their family and it is so refreshing to see. Nathan is successful in his work out of the home, but it is clear where his priorities lie..........good for you Nathan.  Here are some pictures:

Nathan, Claudia, Danni and Emily

Grandpa Jared and Emily

Daddy and Danni

Claudia (with chld #3 in the"oven") helping out in Oldemor's kitchem

Daddy and Emily. This stroller of Oldemor's has been played with by EVERY
grandchild and now the great grandchildren!!
Aunt Sherry and Danni (hey look they match colors!)

So now you see this beautiful part of our family.  We recognize each and every day how very blessed we are!! Thank-you Nathan and Claudia for your visit.

Next came my third chemo.  It was just Dale and I this time, and I just barely dragged myself in for it.  He kept telling me "only one more after this."  Yes I thought, but I just don't want to do it anymore!  Chemo was fine as usual..........but I knew what was coming.  My lack of picture taking kind of reflects my attitude.  I only took one picture.  It is of John, who weighs and takes our vital signs every time we come in.  He and I have a special connection.........our birthdays are on the same day (albeit his came a few years after mine), plus he is kind of a character (in a good way).  I admire his organizational skills, when they are really busy, he can admit 3-4 patients at once.  We are all trained to line up, give the person in front space so as to keep their privacy, and we all get admitted without feeling like we are just a number.  This is John admitting the person "in front' of me.

John (in the scrubs) efficiently doing his thing


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