Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Well, I made it.........the last chemotherapy!!  What a relief.  It felt so good to be there and to be able to think, "this is it.....never again.......I'm done with this!" I looked around at my fellow cancer patients and felt great compassion and love for them all.  We are all warriors in this fight, and we all do the best that we can.

I brought with me a decorated flower pot full of hand written laminated uplifting thoughts.  It is my hope than when someone is in need of being uplifted, perhaps one of these just might help.  If it helps just one person, I will be happy.  I am planning to bring some more around and replenish the supply as I can!!!

Knowing how much I was not looking forward to the last two weeks of symptoms Dale took me to the beach for a couple days ( have you figured out it is my favorite place?). This time the balls of both feet swelled and were burned.......and I didnt' even step outside.  At this point I realized it was chemical burns from the chemo (verified later by the nursing staff). I could barely walk.  I made it out to the beach once and sat in a beach chair for a couple hours!! But no walks, I just couldn't do it.

However we did have an interesting experience while sitting in the chairs at the water.  Dale went to sleep (very deep sleep) and I was reading.  I had my eye on the water so if the tide started coming in we could move out of the way in time.  I glanced up to check where the water line was, no problem. About two minutes later I see this wall of water headed rapidly our way!! (only about 2 feet deep, but still!!) I started shaking Dale and yelling at him "Dale, get up, get up Dale!!" He was slow to respond and woke up in total confusion. With no time to spare I jumped up and yelled "grab your stuff and RUN... Run Dale, Run!!" I could see he wasn't going to make it, so I made an executive decision, knowing he wasn't PHYSICALLY in danger, I decided to protect MY gear and RUN!!!  So I grabbed my chair ( with my kindle, cell phone, Ensign and other precious stuff) and RAN.  Since I wasn't so fast, and yet operating on pure adrenalin, I barely made it out of the waves' way.

When I was safely out of the way, I turned back to see poor Dale, standing in the water, wondering what had hit him, with ALL HIS STUFF SOPPING WET! At this point it became humorous and I could not stop laughing as I headed back to help him pick up and salvage what we could.  Other people on the beach were all kind of gathering their wits about them too and wondering "what just happened?"

I've heard about "sneaker waves"  all my life but have never experienced one.  I suddenly realized this was just that!!  I could see how there is no way to prepare for it, guess it's coming, or get out of its' way if you are in the wrong place, such as standing on some rocks or cliffs where perhaps you shouldn't be. As with all things in life "experiencing" it sure puts another perspective on it.  Truly there is wisdom in taking stock of what others, who have experienced a particular situation in life, have to say about it.
One just doesn't "know" what you don't know.

Finally.........Dale surprised me with two white roses to congratulate me for making it through chemotherapy.  I cried, it was so thoughtful, and I was so grateful to be done!!

My celebration flowers!! All done with Chemo!!


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