Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Moving forward..........preparing for surgery!!!!

On  September 30th I woke up and felt no nausea. Mind you, I don't think there has been a day in 5 months I have not had nausea, I have only mentioned it when I just can't stand it anymore.  So....hesitant to move and start feeling nauseated, I get up to go to the nausea.  I made it through the next 24 hours with no nausea.  It is now day 6 without nausea!!!  I am so excited!!!  I can not tell you how wonderful it is.  How appreciative I am to FEEL GOOD!!!!!  I still have some weakness and fatigue.........but is on it's way out too.........ROCK 'N ROLL.........I'm back!!!!

On now to the next phase...........bilateral mastectomies (removal of both breasts).........ouch!!!  But again, I am grateful to be able to have it done.......AND they are going to do reconstructive surgery at the same time. But first, dad decides to go in for back surgery!! so last week he went to Kaiser Sunnyside and had it done!!

Dad post-op with mom faithfully at his side!

Jared (in the shadows) with Dad at Kaiser Sunnyside
Dad has had a "rocky" recovery so far with pneumonia, low blood counts requiring a transfusion, hypoxia (low oxygen) from it all and some kidney dysfunction.  He had a couple days of real confusion related to all this.  I went to see him the other night after they said he was getting better.  Sherry called just as I got there so I handed the phone to her.  Dad started mumbling about the buffalo, Wyoming, the High Priests, how we had all gone out for a buffet dinner tonight, "and Kirsten and Dale came with us" .....and I realized we still had a problem. I went out and got the nurse, who came in and put dad back on oxygen. I knew we were at a turning point, on one side of the spectrum or other; good vs bad, and got real concerned.  To my great pleasure, dad called me the next night fully alert and oriented.  He turned to the good side of the spectrum and I believe is going to do well, maybe slowly, but he is going to be alright!!!

Now it is October 5th, and in two days is my surgery.  I am just ready to "get 'er done!". Onward and upward is all I can say. So now I am caught up with my blog, just in time to have another lapse post surgery.  But hopefully, for not so long!!! 


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