Thursday, October 13, 2011

Great News........Onward and upward

Today I went back to see Dr. Thackar in regards to my blood counts. WBC count is back up to 5.4 and the surgery is on!!! Surgery is next week on Wednesday October 19 at 7:30 am.  I am so relieved to know we are going to get it done.  My Red cell count and H&H are still too low but they are just planning on transfusing me during surgery to take care of that problem.

The funny thing in all this is while I was in the Dr's office Nancy was texting me cute pictures of Blake and Hailey in their Halloween costumes. So..........naturally I had to show them off.  It was really fun. Grandhildren make everything fun!
Here they are:

"Super Blake"

Halloween Hailey

Aren't they the cutest??!!  I can't believe how big Hailey is!!  Last time I saw her she was a she is a little girl (darn cancer!)

Well...........onward and upward.  Life is good, I feel good, my testimony is strong!!  I love.........and am loved. What more could a person want???  (: 


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