Sunday, May 22, 2011

Beach Break May 16th - 20th

Well, Dale and I decided to "run away" for a few days to the beach, so we packed up the bikes and took off for Long Beach.  Thank-you Worldmark! It was sunny for the whole 3 days we were there, it must  be a sign or something right?  Turns out we never got the energy up to go bike riding, but it just felt good to know we could go if we wanted to.
We did however make it out for a walk along the beach every day.  It is amazing how good that feels, a real good reminder to just get up and move no matter the energy level;  any energy  usage does seem to create more energy.  I do notice I can not pick and choose my moments so readily anymore.  They kind of just pick me, so.......... I  go with it.

I call this one "bald at the beach".  Hey you know what.........hats and wigs are overrated.  They definitely have their place and I'm grateful, but enough is enough when you start getting all itchy and is a la natural for me!

At least we're in better shape than this poor guy!  We felt really bad to find him laying out in the sand. Someone else said there was a whale aground out a little further too.......thankfully we never did see that. I did however prove once again I'm human.  I went to the bakery.......Oh yes, anyone that knows me knows what a mistake that was!  I blew it big time. Now mind you I had a great time, but suffered all night from it, had to get up at 5:30 in the morning to head in for chemo, and then confess to Deirdre why my symptoms (which I need to report every Friday) were so bad for the previous 24 hours.  How embarrassing, I know better, but sometimes " the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" even when you know how important it is. know what, I am just going to forgive myself and move on. 


At May 22, 2011 at 9:52 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hi there,
You know what!! You look gorgeous without your wig or with your wig.
You don't need that itchy-sweaty wig. I think you're beautiful.
That was a great picture of you two at the beach and I'm glad the weather was so beautiful for you. You both look so healthy and happy.
I loved your thoughts on the Savior and that you KNOW he is there for you and he knows what you are going through. Your faith is inspiring.
So is your attitude inspiring to all of us, Kirsten.
I love my friend! Have a good week.


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