Monday, May 16, 2011

May 11-15th

Dale working with the fruit trees
Well, we all knew I'd have a break now and then, I kept thinking "I'm going to blog" but it didnt' happen.  The good news is it  is mostly because we have been having a good time and not because of overwhelming illness.  Dale and I had a few good days before my last chemo where we went out and just worked in the garden and the the garage.  It felt really good to get some stuff done!!:

Dale has the big tomatoes

We're going to make Salsa!
Slug prevention (note the hat I learned how to "make" at the Look Good Feel Better Class!

It felt so good to get the garden planted.  Dale is also working on the watering system and re-vamping the garage for more storage and to upgrade his workbench a bit.

Dale and his "real mans' vice". He always says "the right tool for the right job"

Chemo went really well on Friday.  They told me this would be the week I'd really "tank" and to be really careful of "germs".  My white count(neutrophil) is down from 5.5 to 1.5
BEFORE chemo on Friday (they want to keep it greater than 1.7).  So they gave me a mask and told me to take it easy. 

Rachel and Dave showed up for a quick visit and to pick up some furniture for us. They are a cute couple aren't they?

Sunday I made it to church for Sacrament Meeting.....just barely, it was one of those days. I was glad I made it home on time!!


At May 17, 2011 at 9:50 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

So glad the tumor has shrunk! Wonderful to know you are able to be outside enjoying the spring. Thanks for sharing your adventure.
Love, Barb and Adam


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