Monday, May 16, 2011

May 16th, Is the Chemo working or not??????????

Today was the day to go up to OHSU and get a repeat MRI scan and a repeat Biopsy to test and find out if the chemo is working or not.  Kind of exciting..........and yet a bit "Oh boy, I hope it is working". I have my protective mask need to encourage any other problems. I've had some Ativan here and it was decided Dale had better push me around in a wheel chair as I was not too steady on my feet.

Waiting for the Biopsy

The ultrasound is ready to guide the biopsy needle

I think this is so cool that they can do this and I can watch!
As usual everyone at OHSU treated me like a queen.  I know they are busy, but they did not give me any idea that they were.  It is nice to feel cared for and important.  Most of all, it is nice to feel kindness from another.

Now..............I get home and guess who calls me???? Oh yes.........dear sweet Deirdre.  Love that girl!  She has the reports for me.  Are you ready???  My tumor has shrunk from 2.8cm to 1.9 cm in just three weeks!  YEAH!!!!! We have the right drugs, and they are working!.  I of course start asking if maybe we will be able to cut the # of treatments down from 24 to ???  The answer of course is NO.  Darn, I had to try.  We want to kill it all and not have it come I'm with the program.  Just a thought.  Nevertheless  I am feeling extremely GRATEFUL!!!


At May 17, 2011 at 6:36 PM , Blogger Nanners said...

Good news all around!!! Yea! We've been thinking about you all day and hoping that we'd hear something positive about your week and your visit yesterday. I have a few presents to bring you from people here. We also have an extra sun shade like the one we have on our back patio. It's been sitting there for two summers now and we're not using it. Do you want me to bring it if I can fit it in the car?
Have a great night, Mom!

At May 18, 2011 at 4:26 PM , Blogger Dr. Roger Barnick, Vancouver Chiroprator said...

That's such GREAT news! You're making that tumor beg for mercy!

At May 20, 2011 at 8:51 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Bless you Kirsten!! "Thank you Heavenly Father for shrinking the tumor!" I sure like how He works-through modern medicine and angels used to administer it!!
The first thought that came to mind,too, was how long do you have to have the chemo, can it be shortened; but I guess now that you know it is working it will give you courage to keep going till the end of your chemo.
You are doing great, Kirsten and I'm proud of you.
Love to my dearest friend,


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