Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Traditions: Red Lobster

I have a tradition with my girls, that when we get a chance, which isn't very often, we go to Red
Lobster to laugh, pig out, giggle and just be plain silly. It works every time! So we went to "drown my sorrows" when I couldn't have my chemo, at Red Lobster. The pictures tell a story in and of themselves. Enjoy.

Nancy and Rachel "fighting" over a cheese biscuit.  Rachel had a sudden voracious appetite and couldn't get enough!

Nancy asked the waiter for another fork. He asked her "where did yours go?" Rachel chimed in "she put it in her purse, it is a habit of hers."  See why we have fun, you never know who's going to say what! Good one Rachel

Here is the classic shot of Redlobster, one that tells you "you're here" now...........enjoy!


At August 10, 2011 at 7:57 PM , Anonymous Red Lobster said...

I think the most delicious dish of Red Lobster is Red Lobster Shrimp scampi


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