Saturday, June 4, 2011

Another Good News/Bad News Day

Well the good news far outweighs the bad news,  I was told Friday I am going to have my Chemo sessions reduced by 6 weeks!!! Yeah!!!!!! They were going to give me my Adriamycin for 6 weeks and then my Cytoxin for 6 weeks, but they are going to combine them and give them together!!!!  I am very happy about that.

My sad news is I think I lost my camera!!! My only hope is that I left it at Roger Barnick's office and they won't be in until Monday to find no pictures until then, and maybe?????

I did have a great day Friday with Rachel going in for chemo.  We really do enjoy our visits and I always feel good on Fridays.  Actually I have one picture I took with my cell phone.  This guy is great.  He works in the pharmacy at CHH, he is always super friendly , and a person of great interest.  He always has interesting questions to ask while you are waiting for your RX if no one else is waiting .  The last two were:
1-What is the first country south of Detroit Michigan?  Now think about it..........I have to admit I didn't know (Dale did)  if you look at a map you go "Oh yeah!!" 
2-What was John Wayne's real name?   Marion Morrison (I see why he changed it, not a "tough guy" name)

So I think I am going to close with just two sayings I have picked up lately, one from Jeff and one from Dad.  Here they are:

"Never fear Shadows.  They simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby"  Ruth Renkel (from Jeff)

"It is the Lord, not us, to decide the terms of the race of life, including when the race should be over.  As long as He lends us breath in mortality, we are to run, even if that means shuffling breathlessly along."  (sent from my doesn't that sound like him?)

Life is good!!


At June 4, 2011 at 10:08 PM , Blogger Nanners said...

Yes!!! Super news tat you really needed! I'm so glad to hear you'll be done by September- that's not that far away! Everyone here asks how you're doing all the time. We had a little birthday party for Hailey today and she was scared of the candle, but LOVED the cupcake- at least the frosting.
By the way, Byron thinks with all these doctors you're seeing that one of them should be able to surgically attach your camera to your arm so you never have to worry about losing it.
Love, Nancy

At June 5, 2011 at 11:57 PM , Blogger Jeff Turner said...

I ditto the camera surgery comment from'd be cheaper for you too versus buying new cameras!


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