Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lewisville Park Picnic with Mom,Dad,Sherry and Jared

We really struggled with wanting to go to our church picnic yesterday.  But we always ultimately ended up with the fact that, even though it was outside (which is why we kept thinking maybe we should go) ultimately there are just too many people, and too many potential "huggers" with a potential
 - known or unknown to them-viruses/germs, that I just can't take a chance with my compromised immune system. So my sister Sherry "fixed" it without even knowing by organizing a family picnic at Lewisville Park. We said "Yes!"

What a great day!  There were hardly any people at the park and of course we had our own little spot. We had fun eating, talking and laughing,  playing games, we even took "my" walk, and  took naps!! (all of us).  The weather was perfect, the air was fresh, the sound of the youth over running and screaming at the river echoed in the background........basically it was a perfect day:

The "picnic" (minus me, of course I'm taking the picture)

Sherry and much alike

Kirsten and Dale
Kirsten (without her hat) and Dale

Mom and Jared (I think they look related)

After eating we all cozied up and took naps.  These trees below are what we looked up to on either side of us. It was great. What more could you want?

Sherry, mom, Dale and Dad in that order above having the big "Nap"

Sherry and I in two above pictures went for a "hike" after the nap. I got winded on the hills, but kept going

We got home about 8:15 PM...........beat and ready for bed.  We got a phone call fronm Sister Ulrich saying she was here from Sandy Utah and could she come see us.  Anyone else at that moment I would have said I was sorry but just too beat.  But I knew this was a special opportunity and jumped up and said yes!!  We had the most wonderful visit, and she had mother with her too!!
So  now I know whyAlli Ulrich is so special,  so is her mom!!! I'm devastated that I couldn't find my camera (was probably just too tired) but they took pictures and promised to send them to me and I'll get them in here when I get them!!) Alli is one of those people that everyone just loves.  We loved having her here when she was on her mission and I learned so much from her!!!

Well, I think this day is probably getting full enough.  Tomorrow is Chemo #2  for the A/C drugs.  My body knows it and my mind has to talk to it and calm it down.  I'll be taking Dexamethazone in a few hours and then the count down begins......Gratitude....gratitude.......gratitude.
Here is a favorite thought of mine from President Harold B. Lee:

You cannot lift another soul until you are standing on higher ground than he is....
you cannot light a fire in another soul unless it is burning in your soul.


Dale Before and After the Beard, and his garden

In the midst of all this Dale decided to grow his beard.  I agreed, why not while he is in between jobs.  Obviously is comes off if there is an interview.  Well he had a job interview (which didn't work out) so darn it he had to shave.  It is interesting, most women do not like his beard...........especially his mom.  But the men seem more open to it.  I think he looks like a mountain man, and I like It!!  Of course I just love him anyway so I guess I'm prejudiced!  Here's the beard:

Now who wouldn't just love him!

O.K. here comes the "after: pictures.  I thought I would also include part of his garden for the year.  This doesn't include his tomatoes and peppers, or the blueberries and raspberries. But it is still fun to see.

Smooth as can be!

So what do you think?  I like him either way.  But he definitely has a much more "professional" look without the beard.  So no bartering for the beard when it comes to finding a job!!!

Here are some pictures of his garden this year.  It of course has had problems because of the weather we're having this needs more heat!

Our beans along with some of our "hybrid" fence apple and pears trees

Beets, I so hope they get big enough for Dale to can.  He makes the best canned beets!

Dale's sad little Artichoke plant. There are no blossoms or signs of any artichokes!

The gardener  (): You can see more of the trees in the back

He is so fun to have around.  I'm so blessed to have him.  I don't know what I'd do going through this cancer without him.  Heavenly Father gives us what we need......when we need it. Our Third Wedding Anniversary comes up Wednesday next week the 23rd!! We feel like we've been married 50 years with all we have been through. (and I mean that in a good way).

Post First A/C Chemo, behind on blog.....again

Well I'm behind again, but I guess that is a self-imposed schedule.  I'm just trying to record as much as I can of this experience.

I had my first Adriamycin and Cytoxan infusion on the 5th, it went well like all the rest. Basically I am flying on the Steroids, the other IV medications they give me seem to work, so I just have fun on chemo day visiting with my daughter (or the occasional replacement for her) , and then she laughs while she tells me I talk non-stop. (I swear I try really hard to speak slowly and allow everyone their turn, being aware that the steroids are on board!) Saturday I went and got the Neulasta shot that stimulates bone marrow production. They were right, it makes your body ache all over.

Hanging out at home, trying to function, not feeling too hot

Sunday I started feeling sick, and basically Monday through Friday were recovery days. Saturday and Sunday I was still really tired. But the second week (this week) I really started feeling good! I still go for my daily hour long walk , which was really not so easy this first week, but the second week I could feel more strength in my walk!  The secret is, of course, naps!!!  A hard thing for me to learn to do. But when your body stops stop for a nap!

Janet and Linda came to visit me, that was fun.  They are two nurses I worked with my ten years at Kaiser. We are best of friends. They fussed all over me and gave me all that psychological support (that works) and took me to dinner at Applebee's. It was really nice.  Linda has had her own problems too!!  She had shoulder surgery and has not been having so much fun with that either!!  Here's a picture of what we call "The three musketeers" :

Kirsten,Linda and Janet. (I do look tired, I wasn't feeling so well)

We continue to receive meals from church on every Friday.  It is such a blessing, I can not tell you how much it means to us and fills our hearts with the continual feelings of the tender mercies of the Lord.  I know I am going to be alright.  I just have to walk through the fire to get there.  Along the way I get to be refined like shiny gold.  Not always "easy" ..........but I am so grateful and feel so special to be loved this much.  The thing is............if only everyone could really understand...........we are ALL loved so much!!!!!
This is our life's journey and I don't want to waste one minute of it no matter you?
So I repeat my daily motivational mantras to myself (I have 4) say my prayers, read my scriptures, and pick myself up and say GO!  Some days it is very literally a verbal....."get up and GO Kirsten" ( ask Dale, I believe he has heard me yelling at myself... hee hee)  but it always works.  If it is a tough day........go meet a neighbor, or someone new.  We went to Costco just for a frozen yogurt (so like me and Dale) sat down and met the most wonderful woman. We talked and laughed and had a wonderful time. She works at Yard and Garden and we are going to go visit her!!  You never know.........Life IS good!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Meeting Plastic Surgeon

Thursday I got to meet Dr Thakar.  I loved her.  She is the plastic Surgeon who will reconstruct me after Dr. Naik does her thing to get rid of the cancer. Here I am with Dr. Thakar:

Can't you just see the personality there?  She was so fun to work with.

Her medical assistant reminded me of my daughter-in-law Julie. Not especially in looks but in her manners. It was fun.

I have spent quite a bit of time studying the different types of re-construction.  I finally decided I wanted to go with the "natural" Of the two types.  I was really sold on the DIEP, but the book says it requires a surgeon proficient in microsurgery, and for some reason when I read it I felt this could be a problem.  My back up then became the Tram Flap. Of course I didn't even know if I  would qualify as a candidate for either.  Everyone else kept telling me the Tissue Expander followed by implants was the best (and I have seen great results, as well as the book states it is the most commonly done procedure).  So I really didn't know what to think Dr. Thakar would recommend.

She was very thorough and informative...........and imagine my surprise when she recommended the DIEP for me!!!!  Another blessing........she does them.  She took Dale and I over to the computer and showed us step by step of the procedure (at a level we could understand).  I felt that feeling of confirmation that this is the right thing, just as surely as I did about my original treatment plan with Dr. Chui. What a comfort to be able to "feel" it is right. Also she can do it at the same time as the mastectomies!!! That means just one surgery instead of two!!! Assuming Dr Naik doesn't find any surprises.  If they find any positive nodes in my tissues then I may have to have radiation therapy,which would delay the surgery.  So Pray that there is nothing else there!! I absolutely don't want radiation therapy, even  if it didn't affect the surgery!

The only other problem is Dr Thakar said that  if I gain any more weight it might affect my ability to have this particular surgery, as it could put me at too big a risk.  Boy, I walk an hour every day and I'm still challenged.  I am definitely turning to my Heavenly Father with this one.  I need help. I know He will come through for me, as he always does.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Shelbourne at Long Beach

Dale and I had a wonderful respite from the world last week-end.  It is so therapeutic to get away into Gods beauty and nature and become one with Him........and just let it all go.  My scripture for this week has been:
"My peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth give I unto you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27

Here are a few pictures from our Bed and breakfast at the Shelbourne Inn (hope that is spelled right):

Deck just off our room

Loved the old fashioned shower!

Just tripin' on the old fashioned bathroom

The other end of our deck off our bedroom. That glass looks right down into the fornal dining room.

Where we like it best............on the beach. We started our marriage at the
beach, so it will always be special to us.

The unwelcome visitor who wouldn't go away.  He had his eye on our cherries of all things!!

Today I go back to OHSU for genetics testing to see if I am BRCA positive. This would mean I was genetically pre-disposed to my cancer vs just happening to be one of the "unlucky".  The information would be very helpful to my children, obviously, plus my surgeon says it would mean she would want to take my ovaries out too.

I'm also going to meet the plastic surgeon, Dr. Thakar today.  It should be a very interesting discussion about how to put me back together after the mastectomies.  I'm also going to have her look at my leg which I impaled on a small branch yesterday in the garden.  I hope it will not cause problems for starting chemo tomorrow. 

What do you think? A typical Petersen maneuver, that's what I think!!
The red line is not a "streak" it is actually a scrape from the bush.

Will keep you posted. Plans are otherwise, to start my new chemo tomorrow at 9am.  It will be the combination of Adriamycin and Cytoxan.  Saturday I will go get my injection of Neulasta, which I'm O.K. with going back up to OHSU for the first shot to be observed for any untoward side affect.  But I think it is obsurd I have to go back EVERY Satuday because the Insurance Company will not cover it if it is not given there.  It is a simple SQ injection I could administer to myself so easily!!  But I need the Neulasta to rev up my bone marrow and stimulate it to make Red and White blood cells for my body, so I guess one just doesn't "buck the system". 

Here's the first half of the scripture I gave you above, it is on the top ten list too:
"But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, Whom my Father will send to you in my name, Shall TEACH YOU ALL THINGS,  and BRING TO YOUR REMEMBRANCE whatsoever I have said unto you." John 14: 26            How can we go wrong?????