Didn't get to go to beach, but got a REAL funny story.....
Up above is Aunt Nancy and Katie.......cute aren't they!
Here is the Funny Story: Rachel, Nancy and I went shopping at Costco. As we are looking at all the goods we come across the tomatoe plants below. Rachel and Nancy start in on this lengthy dialogue of "can you believe people would spend $13.00 on tomato plants?", "who in the world would do that?" "why would someone spend that much money on a tomatoe plant?" "Why wouldn't you just plant a small one and grow it yourself" "I just can't believe people would spend their money that way".............etc. etc. All the while I'm kind of saying hmmmmmm, yeah, wow. Then I burst into a laughter so loud and boisterous that Nancy and Rachel stop dead and look at me...........and Nancy says "did you buy one of these mom?" While I'm rolling on the floor laughing I tell them that Dale and I just bought two of them the day before and we're really excited to get a jump on the growth. Boy did we all get a good laugh on that one!!
Here's the final picture of me, not feeling really well, but coming home to find a gift (the plant)that had been left here for me, and feeling very touched to have received it!!
Here is
A thought I keep near me to remember when I think I need a little boost:
"That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do, not that the nature of the thing is changed, but that our power to do is increased!"
Heber J. Grant